Visiting health workers check in with Mobiwire’s Cosy Phone

Connectivity specialists MobiWire have teamed up with a health technology provider to introduce NFC to remote patient care by providing real-time communication and information transfer between visiting care workers and their offices.


Working with UK-based Advanced Health & Care, the French firm — formerly known as Sagem Wireless — has created an application that uses its Cosy Phone NFC-enabled handset and tags to provide real-time communication and information transfer between care workers and office staff.

For example, on arrival and departure care workers touch their Cosy Phone against an NFC tag placed in the patient’s home to check in or check out. The information can then be used to locate the worker, to inform and manage service delivery and as part of the billing process.

The iConnect application is described by the partners as “an excellent demonstration” of the way NFC can be used to improve the delivery of services as part of a whole-system design.

And, according to Jerome Nadel from MobiWire: “The next generation of NFC-enabled devices will allow even more information to be displayed for the remote worker, surfacing patient details, diagnostics, even rich interactive media.

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