Samsung to issue new TecTiles that meet NFC Forum standards

Samsung is to introduce a new range of NFC tags because its existing TecTiles tags don’t meet NFC Forum standards and won’t work with the new Galaxy S4 smartphone.

Samsung Tectiles
TECTILES: Mifare Classic-based tags don’t comply with NFC Forum standards and only work with NXP controllers

The phone maker’s original TecTile tags used non-standard Mifare Classic chips that are only compatible with phones containing an NXP NFC controller — such as the Galaxy SIII. The Galaxy S4, however, ships with a Broadcom chip so it is unable to read the first generation TecTiles.

“Samsung is introducing TecTile 2, an update to the original TecTile NFC programmable tags, which will be available in the coming weeks,” the phone maker says.

“TecTile 2 will use the current NFC technology on the market, allowing Samsung customers to further incorporate NFC into their daily lives and to use with the latest Samsung Mobile products and services, including the Galaxy S4.

“As industry standards continue to evolve, Samsung remains committed to meeting those standards and adapting its technologies if necessary. Samsung customers can also fully utilize TecTiles 2 with existing Samsung Mobile NFC-enabled Android smartphones currently in market.”

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