Wirecard to offer white label HCE wristband

Wirecard's wristband offers tokenized NFC payments and a display
WEARABLE: Wirecard’s HCE wristband offers tokenized NFC payments and a display

The HCE wristband unveiled by technology provider Wirecard earlier this month is to be offered on a white label basis, Joern Leogrande, the company’s EVP of mobile services, has told NFC World+.

“Our payment wearable is developed as white label product, meaning that the first stage is to look for partners to sell and distribute the wearable featuring their own design,” Leogrande explained.

“We believe that the solution is ideal in cases where the wearable device’s versatility can be fully exploited: check-in, make payments, use vouchers on cruise ships, at festivals and holiday resorts, as well as in hotels, ski regions and theme parks. Our white-label approach means that we are flexible and can deliver whatever the market demands.

“There are many possibilities for this: customers can add credit or debit cards, while we can of course support partners with their own payment card on a prepaid basis, for example.”

Wirecard’s wristband can be used to make contactless payments via NFC after downloading payment tokens from the user’s smartphone. Tokens can be preloaded and held on the wristband so that the phone can be offline and payments can still be made.


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