Orange adds contactless top-ups

Orange France has partnered with POS maker Ingenico to enable prepaid customers to top up their accounts in stores via contactless stickers and key rings.


“A salesman at the POS selects the product desired from the Orange Mobicarte product range after having received payment for the top-up,” Ingenico explains. “He/she then asks the customer to scan their tag (sticker or key ring with NFC chip) using the payment terminal.

“The payment terminal instantly identifies the customer number and forwards the top-up request to Orange, which adds the amount of credit corresponding to this number to the customer’s account in real time. The payment terminal then prints out a ticket containing the transaction number, which is issued to the customer as a purchase receipt.”

“Simplifying the top-up process, without calling a voice server and without the input of a 14-digit key: for the salesman this means less paper, a modern sales process and the guarantee of improved customer loyalty,” says Ingenico’s Thierry Legros.

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