FC Solution tracks security guards with GPS and NFC

CloudFCS GPS NFC tag
KEEPING TABS: The NFC tracking system records GPS location to prevent fraud

Thailand-based FC Solution has introduced a tracking system that requires security guards to check in to a location by tapping their NFC phone to a tag — and also records the employee’s GPS location to ensure guards can’t cheat the system by removing tags placed around a secured area and putting them in an easier-to-access location.

“We add the GPS location in the data record after the tag is tapped so the employer can check this tag read against the GPS location,” FC Solution’s Vanchai Wongthamrin explained to NFC World. “Before, without the GPS, the employee could take all the tags with them and keep them in the control centre.

“When the time came to check in they could just read the required tag but not actually be at that tag’s corresponding site. This is cheating by the employee and could not be verified as there was no GPS location.”

“All data recorded by the CloudFCS service can be accessed from a back office computer in real time,” says Wongthamrin. “The system can also be used for asset tracking.”

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